Nissan leverages QR codes to sell cars after hours

Nissan Headquaters

Japanese automaker Nissan is about to launch a new mobile marketing campaign using QR codes. The company has had trouble in recent months stemming from the Japanese earthquake and tsunami disaster, which led the company to cease production for several days. Instead of waiting for everything to return to normal, however, the company has embarked on a new initiative to boost sales in the U.S. using QR codes. Nissan has announced that all of their 2012 models will feature a code that will allow customers to do more than just…

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Media company creates a winning mobile campaign

QR Code Contest

There have been many interesting uses for QR codes in the past. Regardless of how innovative the ideas might be behind some mobile marketing campaigns may be, they all rely on one simple thing: Participation. Without participation, QR codes are little more than black and white blocks taking up space. Consumers have gone beyond the point of rewarding their attention to companies that use QR codes, due partly because people now know what they are. Given this knowledge, companies have to find ways to return the favor by rewarding consumer…

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Get more business with QR codes linked to mobile testimonials

Virual Marketing

Reviews play a big role when it comes to business. More than 70% of consumers rely on reviews when considering making a purchase, according to Business 2 Community, a market research firm that analysis emerging trends in connectivity between consumers and companies. Given the number of people that rely on referrals and their general affinity for social media, businesses looking to give their reviews a boost are turning to QR codes to get the job done. Direct mail campaigns have been successful in the past, but they can only go…

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Easy and cheap ways to give your business a fresh look

Big name businesses are starting to use new marketing techniques for advertising. Companies are realizing that if they want to reach certain age groups, or crowds, then they have to reach out to them at their level. Just putting an ad on television or in a magazine won’t do it anymore. Companies have done everything they can think of to catch your attention during an advertisement. They’ve used famous actors and sports figures, done slap-stick comedy, and they’ve even used babies, senior citizens and animals. But all of that is…

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