Growing infrastructure and demand for mobile payments could have an impact on India’s economy

India mobile phone manufacturing

Report highlights the beneficial impact that better mobile technology and Internet connectivity will have on the country New mobile payments technology and the expansion of a 4G mobile network will have a major impact on India’s economy this year, according to a new report from Union Budget. India’s mobile infrastructure has been growing at a fast pace, largely due to growing smartphone penetration and the rising demand for mobile Internet access. The expansion of this infrastructure will make it easier for consumers to take advantage of new payment services and…

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Study shows mobile commerce is on pace to see more growth in the future

Mobile commerce growth global world

New study shows the growing prominence of mobile shopping among consumers Criteo, a performance marketing technology provider, has released a new study concerning online transactions and their performance during the fourth quarter of 2015. Last year, mobile commerce became a very powerful force in the retail space. Merchants began investing heavily in new technology that would allow them to connect with mobile shoppers. Consumers have shown a great deal of interest in using their devices to shop online and in physical stores. 1.4 billion online transactions were made during the…

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Snapdeal wants to make mobile payments even better in India

India mobile payments

Snapdeal’s design team aims to improve the company’s position in mobile commerce Snapdeal’s design team, also known as its “design mafia,” has plans to make the best mobile shopping experience in India. The team intends to create a powerful app foundation for its future mobile payments interests. Last month, Snapdeal made major changes to its prominent payment application, but the company plans to continue introducing new features and services throughout India in the coming months. These changes may help Snapdeal find more success in the competitive mobile commerce market. Design…

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Visa launches new program to support mobile payments

Visa Mobile Payments News

Visa Developer may aid in the development of new mobile payments services Visa has released a new developer program that is designed to accelerate the adoption of mobile payments. Called Visa Developer, the program will provide developers with access to new technology, most of which is associated with mobile transactions in some fashion. The mobile payments market is growing quickly, and more companies are beginning to embrace mobile commerce as a way to provide better services to consumers. Visa has become heavily invested in this space and intends to secure…

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Fast-service food and beverage industries embrace mobile commerce

restaurant mobile payments qr codes

Companies are beginning to cater to the demand for mobile commerce support More companies in the fast-service food and beverage industries are becoming involved in mobile commerce, following the example set by Starbucks, which has found significant success in the mobile sector. These companies have taken note of the growing demand for mobile services coming from consumers and are beginning to support mobile payments. Starbucks has established a lead in supporting these payments, but the gap between the company and its competitors is beginning to close. Several companies are beginning…

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