QR codes used in Argentina to find missing kids

QR codes missing children

Barcodes help missing children to be found in Buenos Aires An organization in Argentina has seen the opportunity presented by QR codes and has chosen to take advantage of the technology to assist them in reaching their goals more effectively. These barcodes are being used to help to spread the word about children who have gone missing. The charity is called Bandera Blanca Missing Children. It helps to bring children back to their parents again when they have gone missing. This new technique using QR codes gives parents another way…

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QR codes implemented in missing kids search program

Mhealth Google Glass app for autism - QR Codes

Children may be found more quickly and easily with these mobile barcodes. A father of children who were kidnapped by their noncustodial mother – his ex-wife – in 2009 has turned his experience in which authorities tracked the woman for over two years through the United States and Europe, has now used technology, in the form of QR codes, to help others to prevent this type of terrifying occurrence. Stephen Watkins created a custom two dimensional barcode that people can scan with smartphones. Though QR codes are already very popular…

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