Mhealth app guidelines released by FDA

mhealth apps mobile technology

The Food and Drug Administration has now issued its final guide for applications of a medical and health nature. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has now released a final mhealth guide that shows just how medical and health apps are going to be regulated within the United States. The FDA has also decided that they will not be enforcing under the Federal Drug and Cosmetic App. The FDA has come to the conclusion that the majority of health and medical apps don’t pose very much of a risk to…

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Mhealth will play a central role in boosting European healthcare

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The rollout of the new mobile healthcare technology across the countries of the EU could save billions. According to a new GSMA report, a by the year 2017, the newly rolled out mhealth technology throughout the European Union could reduce healthcare costs by as much as €99 billion. This mobile tech stakeholder group produced the findings along with PwC. Savings of this level from mhealth will be exceptionally and increasingly important as populations continue to rise and to age among the E.U. countries, and as the number of people suffering…

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Mhealth project to provide assistance to regions of New Zealand

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The people of Otago and Southland will soon be benefitting from this new initiative in their areas. A new initiative using mhealth technology has been designed to provide assistance across the regions of Otago and Southland in order to better bring together General Practice and the patients for whom they are providing care. The new system is meant to provide a number of services directly to the patient in order to ensure better care. Southern PHO, with Southern DHB’s support, has contracted a company named Vensa health in order to…

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Mhealth has the potential for massive impact in Mexico and Brazil

mhealth apps mobile technology

A report has just been released which suggests that those countries could see tremendous benefits from the tech. According to the latest report from the GSMA (GSM Association), over 40 million more patients in Mexico and Brazil will be able to receive treatment between now and 2017, as a result of mhealth services. The report was created in conjunction with PcW in order to look into mobile technology and healthcare. The GSMA report stated that mhealth services could help15.5 million people in Mexico and 28.4 million people in Brazil to…

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Mhealth market in the Asia Pacific region receives important boost

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Investments from governments across the APAC countries are helping these programs to grow. According to the results of a recent analysis of the Asia Pacific (APAC) region’s mhealth marketplace, the market’s value grew to $7.9 billion, last year, due to investments from governments in that area. The report on the analysis showed that the largest telemedicine revenue contributor was from mobile health. The analysis was conducted by Frost & Sullivan. It showed that mhealth contributed the most of all the telemedicine forms, in 2012, to the $44.6 million in revenues…

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