Controversial WhatsApp Terms of Service are now in effect

WhatsApp Terms of Service - WhatsApp user

Six months after the changes were first announced, the app has now required its users to agree. Over the weekend, the controversial WhatsApp terms of service went into effect and the app started requiring its users to either accept or stop using the popular messenger application. The requirement did not come as a surprise, as the app warned its users six months ago of the change. Despite a backlash that started right away, and as millions of people started downloading rival messenger apps, the WhatsApp Terms of Service acceptance requirement…

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Facebook Messenger QR codes will make MasterCard mobile payments possible

NFC mastercard Facebook Messenger QR codes

The credit card giant is adding quick response codes to the platform to facilitate purchasing. MasterCard has revealed its intentions to use Facebook Messenger QR codes to allow for mobile payments. This will have a particular focus on the small business marketplace in Africa and Asia. The Messenger app is very popular in those markets, making it a natural fit for businesses there. Moreover, using Facebook Messenger QR codes combines a popular mobile app with quick response barcodes. QR codes are already commonplace and widely used in those regions. Therefore,…

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WhatsApp monetization to increase for Facebook through new business function

whatsapp monetization

The app will make it possible for companies to be able to communicate with other app users. New WhatsApp monetization efforts are going into effect as Facebook looks to boost its earnings on the messenger app. The additional income will be generated through new business tools for small companies and bigger enterprises. A new free WhatsApp Business app is being tested and developed for smaller sized companies. At the same time, an enterprise solution is in development for larger companies that operate at a bigger scale and that serve a…

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Facebook Messenger QR codes could make the barcodes popular in the US

facebook mobile ads payments messenger

Quick response codes have become commonplace, but American companies and consumers are still iffy about them. Facebook announced the launch of several new features on its messaging app, including Messenger QR codes. With the addition of the quick response codes to the platform, it is more than likely that the black and white squares will experience a popularity boost in the United States. These QR codes were announced at the same time as she update to the M virtual assistant. In this one wave, Facebook has greatly expanded its capabilities…

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Mobile app security gets tighter at WhatsApp

whatsapp mobile app security

The popular messenger application now features two-step verification to keep it more secure. WhatsApp has bumped up its mobile app security by rolling out its two-step verification. The security boost is now available to its complete use base. The announcement of the feature was made quite subtly within an updated version of the official website FAQ. The official mobile app security update rollout occurred on Wednesday. Now, all users can use two-step verification to tighten the security of their app. The step, when selected, requires phone users to enter a…

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