Augmented reality has been a technology that has been seeing most use in terms of marketing and video games. To date, the practical uses for the technology have been few and far between, despite the growing rate at which researchers are using the technology in the fields of medicine and science. Researchers from the University of Washington have developed and new optical device that seeks to lend more practicality to the technology and lead it away from the realm of novelty. The team of researchers has developed a prototype bionic…
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How augmented reality is being used to find a cure for cancer
Augmented reality is commonly associated with games, marketing or science fiction, but the technology is becoming invaluable to scientists looking for a way to beat cancer. The technology’s penchant for 3D imaging allows scientists to interact with large-scale models of molecules and chemicals in a way they have never done before. Art Olsen, a professor of chemistry at the Scripps Research Institute in California, is using augmented reality to see how new drugs are interacting with molecules as a way to determine their effectiveness when fighting the disease. Olsen, along…
Read MoreAugmented reality helmet could set the standard for more practical uses of the technology
Augmented reality continues to generate a fair amount of buzz for its uses in entertainment and advertising, but the practical uses of the technology are beginning to garner more attention. Scientists and electronic engineers have long theorized that the technology could be used to restore sight to the blind or help people with sensory disabilities experience the world in a new way. Tackling such problems is a lofty goal, however, and some believe that more can be learned by utilizing the technology to solve more mundane problems. Maxence Parache, a…
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