A new marketing study suggests. Whilst many large businesses have been steadily investing in mobile marketing over the last few years, this progression has been much slower with smaller companies. In the study by PB Smart Essentials, it has been suggested that as few as 8% of small and medium enterprises even have a mobile optimised website. A mobile optimised website is a key for encouraging mobile commerce but it appears that smaller businesses are left wondering why (and even how) they should go about creating one. The study aimed…
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South Carolina Goes Mobile with QR codes and more!
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, is going mobile. The Area Chamber of Commerce and several business owners from along the Grand Strand area, have been working together to give their businesses a touch of high-tech. They aren’t just focusing on the mobile aspects; they’re looking at a total technology make-over. Every year thousands of people are requesting information about Myrtle Beach, or South Carolina in general. They request information on hotels, attractions, restaurants, travel guides and many other things that a vacationer might be interested in. When the local businesses saw…
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