Social media marketing analytics dashboard comes to Twitter

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The social network has now launched a new set of features to help in the optimization of strategies. Twitter has now upgraded its analytics dashboard in order to give its users the ability to measure impressions of tweets and the engagement that they generate, in addition to the performance that is achieved by social media marketing over time. The hope is that it will assist Twitter users in being able to “effectively optimize their content strategy”. The Analytics tab at can now be accessed by verified users, Twitter Card…

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Survey shows smartphones are not popular for mobile payments

mobile commerce payments smartphone shopping

Survey suggests that consumers do not enjoy mobile commerce on their smartphones A new survey from Marketing Land and SurveyMonkey suggest that consumers primarily use their smartphones for in-store research rather than for mobile payments. Mobile commerce is still a relatively new concept to many people and consumer participation in mobile commerce is quite limited. Many people do not feel comfortable with the idea of paying for products with their mobile devices, mostly due to security concerns that they have regarding the mobile space. Smartphones provide excellent shopping support The…

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