Google has snatched up Zagat, the restaurant ratings guide, in an effort to provide even more original content to its millions of users around the globe, and to take a bigger step into the increasing online review service marketplace that generates billions in advertising dollars. The search engine giant, based in Mountain View, California, is hopeful that the ratings and reviews on Zagat will help it to break into local commerce, a market where Google has yet to find stable footing. Google’s new acquisition provides it with instant review access,…
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Google directs AdSense toward mobile web, halting AdMob in that market
Due to the crossover that was bound to occur between AdSense and AdMob in terms of their offerings to the mobile advertising marketplace, Google will be pushing AdSense to publishers as it withdraws AdMob support from mobile. Experts are anticipating a number of cuts and integrations of features to both platforms. It first purchased AdMob in 2009 for $750 million, in a direct attempt to capitalize on the mobile advertising market. This form of advertising, but on the mobile web and with apps, is a natural complement to the search…
Read MoreGoogle acquires Motorola Mobility and its over 17,000 patents
Many high-tech experts were surprised by Google’s latest acquisition bid of $12.5 billion for Motorola Mobility, an Android phone manufacturer. The all-cash, $40 per share deal comes at a premium of 63 percent. Google has announced that if the deal closes in 2011 or at the beginning of 2012, it will be running Motorola Mobility as its own company. Should the deal close, Google will be receiving more than just a cell phone manufacturer. The first major thing that it will obtain is patent protection, as Motorola currently holds over…
Read MoreGoogle unveils safety measure for their upcoming mobile wallet
As mobile commerce continues to generate hype, concerns regarding security abound. Electronic payments have always carried an inherent threat, most often exemplified in identity theft, but NFC-power mobile payments present new risks. While the companies developing NFC-enabled payment platforms insist that such systems are secure, there has yet to be any evidence backing these claims. Google is the first company to show just how serious they are when it comes to security by announcing that their Google Wallet product will be equipped with a fingerprint sensor. After unveiling the plans…
Read MoreGoogle shoots for the moon with new contest – may be the first to place QR codes amongst the stars!
The end of NASA’s space exploration program has come to an end, leaving the cosmos free to anyone with enough ambition and financial clout to leave the planet. Given the expense and danger inherent in space faring, few are capable of drumming up the money to fund missions to the moon. Fortunately, Google has set its eyes on the moon, meaning that the company will not be earthbound for much longer. Google’s new project, the Lunar X PRIZE, is bringing together some ambitious engineers to send new creations into space.…
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