The massive manufacturer were revealed its two new tablets at yesterday’s event. Apple has now unveiled its two latest tablet gadgets, one at the top of the range – the iPad Air – as well as a smaller and less expensive model – the iPad Mini 2 – and, as has been the case over recent years, the devices were met with mixed reaction. The iPad Air is the flagship tablet device and is designed to be the lightest full sized tablet on the market. The larger of the two…
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10 Eye-Popping Games for Your iPad’s Retina Display
Make the most of the amazing new display feature on the iPad. This isn’t the only new features, but certainly a really cool on for gamers and that sharp experience. With plenty to choose from, it can be hard to know where to start! The new iPad brings with it an amazing display that is so unbelievably clear that the hands on experience is better than ever before. Everything is better from the wireless connection to the camera. Your photos are literally at your fingertips making the iPad games better and…
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