The latest data from ABI Research is showing that the “tipping point” is approaching for these devices. Since the release of the iPad, technology news headlines have always held Apple’s tablet at the head of the pack, with market dominance that held a massive lead over the competition. But the latest data is showing that the iPad may be about to lose its crown as Android tablets rise. ABI Research has just released a report that has stated that the “tipping point” for Android tablets is rapidly approaching. This suggests…
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Apple iOS loses more market share to Android
According to Strategy Analytics, while Apple continues to hold 58 percent of the market, Android, the operating system by Google, has moved in significantly on territory formerly held by iOS, and now has a global share of 39 percent. An important part of this movement has been credited to tablets, as Google tablets took an additional 10 percent of the market between the last quarters of 2010 and 2011, while Apple’s hold on that market fell by a smaller amount. Some of Google’s ability to take a larger chunk out…
Read MoreApple may become the top vendor of PCs in the world with iPad
Canalys research has suggested that with iPad 3, Apple will probably take Hewlett-Packard’s spot as the top manufacturer of PCs before the end of the second quarter in 2012. Apple currently holds the second spot as a PC vendor worldwide and has experienced a leap in its market share from 9 percent to 15 percent in only a year’s time. This jump is credited greatly to a significant demand for its iPad tablet product, which is considered to be a computer by Canalys. Equally, though, iPad shipments in the United…
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