QR codes make book reports easier to share

qr code enrollment at school and library

Students at a Niagara Falls school have made their work available to read simply by way of a scan using a smartphone. The students in a Niagara Falls classroom are not only writing the traditional form of book report, but they are also making their work and their reviews available to anyone with a smartphone, by issuing QR codes to be scanned in order to view them. This is another example of technology making its way into the classroom to broaden the interest of students. In this instance, it is…

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QR codes are now in the form of graffiti art

QR codes graffiti art

The new design is being used in the hope of sharing a more effective message than the standard. The traditional form of QR codes – that is, the type that look like black and white pixilated squares – are found virtually everywhere, these days, but their appearance doesn’t always suit every form of situation in which they could be highly usable. In graffiti art, for instance, the shape of the barcode and the way they are used doesn’t necessarily translate. Though QR codes are now quite recognizable among many smartphone…

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QR codes tell the oral history of immigrants in Ruben Ubiera art

#IamHere qr codes

A massive new piece by the artist features a barcode that can be scanned with any smartphone. Artist Ruben Ubiera has not only just closed a show at the Young at Art Museum in Davie, Florida where he was also holding a workshop for children who enjoy art, and has permanent pieces in other galleries, but what is now drawing the greatest attention is the QR codes that he is using to provide his art with enhanced communication with the viewer. These scannable barcodes are featured on a massive mural…

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Edible QR codes shed light on California sushi

sushi qr codes

QR codes used to show off fresh sushi For culinary connoisseurs, knowing what goes into making a meal is extremely important. This is as true for sushi as it is for other kinds of food. That is why restaurants are beginning to show more interest in making information concerning the food they offer more available to consumers. This is the case with Harney Sushi in San Diego, California, which has taken a somewhat innovative approach to information distribution. Patrons visiting the restaurant have begun seeing small, edible QR codes attached…

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