Social media is universally recognizable. More people are connected to some form of social network than ever before, partly due to the expansion of mobile technology. The extreme popularity of social media sites has never been more apparent to businesses that are beginning to adapt to a changing world, both socially and technologically. Now social networks have become a popular venue for marketing campaigns, particularly those looking to capitalize on interactivity through the use of QR codes. Radisson Edwardian, a prominent hotel chain in the UK, is one such…
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Three stages of mobile marketing, Part III: An industry professional’s point of view
Augme Technologies, a leading mobile marketing firm, recently attended the Mobile Marketing Strategies Summit in San Francisco, California. The company has been making a name for itself in the emerging mobile marketing industry through the use of QR codes. We got it touch with Augme’s Nancy Urena, hoping to get some insight on how the company is leveraging the codes in their business. How are you implementing QR codes in your marketing campaigns? Augme’s philosophy is that QR codes can be utilized as a multi-modal solution that allows users immediate…
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Society has gone mobile loco. With mobile technology surging, and more high-tech marketing methods aimed at mobile users, it’s no wonder that over 80 percent of the nation’s population has a cell phone. It isn’t just for tweens and teens; adult usage of mobile applications, web surfing and comparison shopping has increased 20 to 30 percent in age groups 35 through 60years old. Technology for mobile devices is advancing at such an incredible rate it’s unbelievable. It has almost gotten to the point that the technology has out run the…
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