Green advertising The world is starting to come to understand that changes – and large ones – are more important than had previously been assumed in order to help to rescue the world from the environmental damage that has already been caused, or at least slow down the growth of the impact that we continue to have. As an element of this many companies are going paperless in order to reduce the amount of forest that is destroyed and pollution that is caused by the logging, production, and transportation of…
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Green mobile marketing practice is a win, win!
Sustainability is something more people are becoming interested in. As environmental concerns begin to become more fervent, a number of companies have increased their efforts to become more eco-friendly. As mobile technology becomes ever more prevalent, a mobile sustainability movement is underway led by the QR code. More companies are making use of the codes to promote their sustainability projects in the hopes that a new generation of tech-savvy, eco-conscious consumer will jump on board. According to a report from comScore MobiLens, a global leader of digital marketing intelligence research,…
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