The Center for Food Safety filed a federal lawsuit regarding lack of legal labeling compliance. Last week, the Center for Food Safety (CFS) filed a federal lawsuit against the Trump administration regarding the GMO QR code labels promised in a 2016 federal law, and the government’s failure to comply with that law. The quick response codes were supposed to be added to labels regarding genetically engineered (GE) food. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue are responsible for the implementation of new food labeling regulations.…
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GMO QR codes may never take off
A recent study showed that the majority of consumers aren’t interested in scanning for more information. A new poll has found that most consumers aren’t likely to scan GMO QR codes to learn more about their foods. The research looked into the scannable codes which may soon be used to identify products containing genetically modified organisms among their ingredients. Among the respondents, only 40 percent said they would be willing to scan quick response codes for this information. The Annenberg Public Policy Center from the University of Pennsylvania conducted this…
Read MoreQR codes stir controversy regarding GMO food labels
Some feel quick response codes will make it easier for consumers to identify genetically modified organisms, but not all. Food made from genetically modified organisms (GMO) or that has been genetically engineered (GE) is a serious concern among Americans and QR codes have now made their way into this considerable controversy. Polls have been showing that over 90 percent of Americans would prefer to have these foods identified on their labels. That said even though the desire for food labels telling consumers whether or not they are purchasing GMO or…
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