Solyo enables any size brand to engage in richer conversation with their customers. California-based company,, is providing businesses with the power to engage their consumers more effectively with a unique QR code marketing platform equipped with geolocation technology. Customers can enjoy a tailored experience in store or at home. Solyo’s QR code marketing platform allows for brands to create an at-home or in-store experience tailored for each moment of need, according to a Solyo press release. A Solyo-powered QR code placed on a product presents different information to consumers,…
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Mobile marketing using beacon doesn’t work when it is overused
According to recent research, when it has been overdone, this location based advertising flops. Among the largest trends in location based mobile marketing is the use of beacon technology and, as has been the case with nearly every other form of smartphone based advertising, there is a right way and a very wrong way in which to use this method. A recent study has shown that overusing beacon messaging can have a devastating impact on a campaign. Beyond that, the research also found that there is a very fine line…
Read MoreMobile devices to collect data from hitchhiker robot’s journey across Canada
The HitchBOT is going to attempt to make its way across the country while accumulating info over 3G networks. While the HitchBOT may look anything but high tech, with a plastic bucket for its body and pool noodles for its arms, it contains mobile devices that will help it to collect a tremendous amount of retrievable data throughout its journey across Canada, provided that it is within range of 3G network service. The hitchhiking robot will start its unique trip on July 27, beginning in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The goal…
Read MoreWearable technology will experience another shakeup with brain scanning
This is expected to change not only the wearables industry, but mobile marketing, as well. According to a recent statement released by a leading wearable technology industry figure, Tony Gaitatzis, augmented reality glasses and other similar forms of device could soon begin collecting data that could be able to deliver mobile marketing ads that are specific to the mood, personal taste, and location of the wearer. This use of wearables could entirely revolutionize the way that ads are presented to consumers. Gaitatzis is the PND chief technology officer. That company…
Read MoreHead-mounted augmented reality device aimed at fieldworkers to launch in Japan
NEC, a prestigious Japanese technology company, has launched a new headset that seeks to provide a new layer of information to fieldworkers. The device, called TeleScouter, is a lightweight pair of eye glasses that are connected to a compact computer that can fit into a person’s back pocket or worn on their belt. The glasses themselves are equipped with another device that paints the lenses with transparent digital imagery using augmented reality technology. NEC believes that the headset will help fieldworkers be more efficient in their duties as the device…
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