QR codes can help people find missing things, including pets

QR Code

QR codes may have become one of the most widely used tools in the marketing world, but they can be used for much more than discounts. Washington-based startup Dynotag has launched seeks to use the codes as a way to track lost things. The service will be completely free, allowing users to generate their own QR codes and put them on anything that may be prone to being misplaced. The codes can be placed on just about anything as their size is customizable. When smart phone users create a QR…

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MEDSEEK launches new initiative to help high-risk patients find doctors

augmented reality Health Care

MEDSEEK, a company devoted to electronic health care, has launched a new service tailored to help hospital markers boost patient engagement. The company, well known for its forays into the digital realm on behalf of the medical community, is now offering to use QR codes to help clients reach out to consumers more effectively. The codes are a popular tool amongst advertisers and have been growing in popularity with consumers. Their ease of use ensures that the codes have a broad appeal, but how useful they will be to the…

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Nokia seeks to dethrone QR codes, but the expense of NFC technology may prove that effort futile

QR Codes vs. NFC mobie marketing

Despite the growing popularity QR codes have been attaining amongst consumers, the barcodes are losing favor with some companies. Nokia, one of the world’s leading telecommunications companies, is now branding the codes as obsolete. The company has been investing heavily into NFC technology, which allows smart phones and other mobile devices to interact with each other via wireless signals. With Nokia casting aside QR codes, it may signal a major shift in the world of mobile technology is coming. Nokia’s favor of NFC technology stems from the role they play…

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Why pay to generate a QR code when you can get it for free!

Free QR code

Crouser & Associates, a business consultation firm, has published a new survey of the printing industry. The firm studied the operations of 124 printers from around the U.S., paying special attention to the company’s pricing policy on their QR code services. The survey found that 50% of printers charge for code generation, with prices ranging from $5 to $500. Only 25% do not charge for generating the codes, with another 17% considering fees in the future. As QR codes have become more popular in the marketing and social world, many…

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An ad campaign that will not drain your mighty wallet!

Dynomighty Design, a company known for its innovative and whimsical products, has embarked on a new marketing campaign for the Might Wallet brand. The company is making use of QR codes as an inexpensive form of advertising. Traditionally, the costs of advertising have kept small companies away from TV spots. With QR codes becoming more popular, however, more companies are realizing how they can use mobile technology to offset the costs of ad space. Terrence Kellerman, president and designer at Dynomighty Designs, had been searching for a way to get…

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