Are Ebooks Worth It? Does Anyone Actually Read Them?

Are ebooks worth it?

From the least to the most popular books on Amazon, are people reading the digital copies? For a long time, readers, authors and publishers alike were asking “are ebooks worth it?”.  That time is well behind us as digital books have taken off in the last handful of years. The advantages of ebooks simply cannot be ignored, and they are a staple for any book release. A recent Pew Research Center survey on book formats and consumption showed that while traditional print (comprised primarily by paperback and hardcovers) remains the…

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Google local library search results now result from ebook queries

ebook reader Google local library search

The tech giant is making it easier for mobile device users to locate digital copies at nearby libraries. A new Google local library search feature is making it simpler for readers to locate digital copies of the books they want and that can be found nearby. The tech giant announced this week that it has added the new feature and that it will show up in book title results. Searching for books on Google already displays a special book listing separate from the query results. Within the book’s description, a…

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E-reader ownership is dwindling with competition from other mobile devices

e-reader tablet commerce

As smartphones gain larger screens and tablets have smaller ones, these e-book reading devices are fading in popularity. According to new data that has been released by Pew Research, the ownership of e-reader mobile devices has reached an all-time low, having cut itself nearly in half when compared to data collected in previous years. Pew’s report on the data showed that this year, only 19 percent of adults currently own a dedicated e-reading device. This is a striking drop from the figure from 2014, at which time 32 percent of…

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