Traditional credit card companies are aggravating merchants who are turning toward alternatives. Retailers may be looking to mobile payments as an alternative to traditional transactions, having clearly had enough with Visa and MasterCard, as merchants recently refused to accept a settlement in the lawsuit that is currently accusing these credit card giants of working together to set fees for their services. PayPal is an important indicator of how retailer outrage is becoming a driver of alternatives. Investors are currently keeping a close watch on PayPal’s owners, eBay, to see how…
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Discover announces support for Google Wallet
Discover customers will be able to utilize Google Wallet Credit giant Discover has announced that it will be supporting Google Wallet. Discover customers will now be able to link Google Wallet to their accounts and make use of the platform to pay for goods and services. The company notes that many of its customers use their accounts to make purchases online, rarely utilizing their physical credit cards. As such, Google Wallet is anticipated to be a welcome addition to the company’s services as it will allow customers to forgo their…
Read MoreISIS platforms gains momentum over competitors due to slow and steady approach
Mobile commerce giant takes small steps. ISIS, the mobile commerce joint venture between Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile, is making slow, but steady progress toward a new pilot test this summer. The platform may be lagging behind the Google Wallet, which was formally launched late last year, but has already become one of the more popular platforms in the industry, despite the fact that ISIS has yet to see commercial release. The slow progression of ISIS seems to have been beneficial, as it has allowed the project to overcome the challenges…
Read MoreMajor credit companies come together to make mobile commerce more secure
As mobile commerce begins to gain momentum among consumers, some major credit card companies are developing mobile apps that will boost the security features of NFC-enabled smart phones. Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover are all investing in NFC-powered mobile transaction, believing that the mobile commerce will become a favored payment medium in the future. Mobile commerce has been plagued with concerns over security, however, leaving many questioning whether the industry will ever become established. The security issues inherent in mobile commerce are quite glaring. Given that financial information must…
Read MoreWireless carriers to invest another $100 million in joint Isis mobile payment venture
Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile are getting ready to spend an additional $100 million on their combined venture for mobile payment, which they have called Isis. Isis is a contactless payment system based on near field communication (NFC) technology, which is expected to play an important role in the highly competitive upcoming mobile payments marketplace. Bloomberg has stated that the carriers have yet to make the final decision regarding the total amount that they are willing to spend based only on the ability of Isis to obtain merchant and bank support,…
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