MEDSEEK, a company devoted to electronic health care, has launched a new service tailored to help hospital markers boost patient engagement. The company, well known for its forays into the digital realm on behalf of the medical community, is now offering to use QR codes to help clients reach out to consumers more effectively. The codes are a popular tool amongst advertisers and have been growing in popularity with consumers. Their ease of use ensures that the codes have a broad appeal, but how useful they will be to the…
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Nokia seeks to dethrone QR codes, but the expense of NFC technology may prove that effort futile
Despite the growing popularity QR codes have been attaining amongst consumers, the barcodes are losing favor with some companies. Nokia, one of the world’s leading telecommunications companies, is now branding the codes as obsolete. The company has been investing heavily into NFC technology, which allows smart phones and other mobile devices to interact with each other via wireless signals. With Nokia casting aside QR codes, it may signal a major shift in the world of mobile technology is coming. Nokia’s favor of NFC technology stems from the role they play…
Read MoreUniversity of Illinois adopts QR codes to connect with new and returning students
QR codes have made their way to the University of Illinois. University officials have erected a large placard in front of the school’s popular Alma Mater statue. The statue has been one of the first things students are confronted with when arriving at the school. It stands as welcome to new and returning students alike and has become a symbol of pride and acceptance. Though classes have yet to start, the QR codes have already generated a great deal of traffic. The codes link to the university’s Facebook page, where…
Read MoreNissan leverages QR codes to sell cars after hours
Japanese automaker Nissan is about to launch a new mobile marketing campaign using QR codes. The company has had trouble in recent months stemming from the Japanese earthquake and tsunami disaster, which led the company to cease production for several days. Instead of waiting for everything to return to normal, however, the company has embarked on a new initiative to boost sales in the U.S. using QR codes. Nissan has announced that all of their 2012 models will feature a code that will allow customers to do more than just…
Read MoreProper use of QR Code marketing can be the “WOW” factor your business needs
It is predicted that by the end of 2011, smartphones will have made up at least half of the mobile market. Though this does mean that using QR codes offers businesses a significant opportunity to reach new and current customers, very few of them are properly executing their plans. Businesses and mobile marketers are rapidly adopting this technology, incorporating QR codes into their mobile marketing mix. Those that are successful have also identified that the codes are not the point in themselves, but are only the means by which a…
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