Tiny plastic mobile phones have become popular tech for prisoners

tiny mobile phone jail prison inmate

Inmates in jail are getting their hands on small devices that won’t be picked up by metal detectors. Tiny little plastic mobile phones are being discovered among the belongings of prisoners in jail and are believed to have become a top seller on the inside, as they can be transported “internally” without being picked up on a metal detector. These tiny mobile devices are just slightly larger than a man’s finger and are almost entirely plastic. The fact that they’re almost all plastic means that the BOSS (body orifice security…

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Would Planned Obsolescence Control Ever Fly in The United States?

Planned Obsolescence

LOS ANGELES, CA: Planned obsolescence is a type of policy that is particularly present in the technology industry but that is also expanding into many other areas, as well, in which consumer goods/appliances are deliberately created so that they will quickly need to be replaced. This occurs by designing and manufacturing those products by using non-durable materials, ending the creation of replacement parts, and frequently changing the designs for next gen models. Some countries have made specific moves to control the trend involving products that fall into the category of…

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