Mcommerce optimization is lacking among many UK merchants

U.K. Mobile Payments

Failing to take this step could be causing a number of retailers in the United Kingdom to struggle unnecessarily. A recent study has been conducted and has determined that only about half of the largest one hundred British retailers have opted to created an optimized mcommerce website that would allow their customers to use their smartphones or tablets to shop safely over their devices online. This would mean that the retailers in the United Kingdom are falling behind those in the United States. The study was conducted by a company…

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Mcommerce may be held back in the UK due to connection speeds


The lack of universal 4G may stop mobile holiday shopping from achieving its full potential. The shopping season for the holidays is just on the edge of getting started, but many believe that mcommerce will not be able to reach its full potential this year in the U.K. because the country does not have a universal 4G carrier. Some leading analysts feel that this will hold consumers back from shopping from their smartphones. Mcommerce analysts feel that at the current common smartphone speeds, consumers who would otherwise shop using their…

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Mcommerce websites are lacking in over 4 out of every 5 UK fashion retailers

Mobile commerce shopping trends

84 percent of businesses in this industry aren’t catering to smartphone customers. Despite the fact that nearly 90 percent of British fashion retailers believe that mcommerce should be a vital part of their business, a recent poll has shown that the vast majority has failed to do much about it. The MoPowered research showed that many factors are holding businesses back from mobile commerce. Among those factors are the perception of high costs, concerns regarding security, and a lack of adequate resources in order to achieve the necessary goals. At…

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