If you happen to be in Boston this weekend, go by the Boston Cyberarts Festival; but don’t forget your Smartphone. You’ll need it to be able to see the art. The artwork has been done with Augmented Reality and blended in real-time with the surrounding physical buildings and objects. This festival promises an interactive illusion like no one has seen before. Augmented reality (AR) is a term for a live direct or indirect view of a physical, real world environment that has been enhanced by computer generated graphics or sound.…
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Huge potential for the little guy with augmented reality marketing
Small businesses could get a boost up from new mobile app. Technology is bringing out more and more applications that aren’t just for fun; several of the new apps can be useful to small business owners. One of those useful apps is augmented reality (AR). It’s not as scary as it sounds. It simply means an enhancement to the real world. It uses real looking images or videos layered on top of real world objects. If a person has a Smartphone with an AR application, they could hold up…
Read MoreAugmented Reality Marketing Service Expands
Stepping into a virtual world is so yesterday. We have moved on to bigger things; like bringing an augmented world into our realm. Augmented Reality (AR) is the new buzz word. Augmented Reality is a term used for an indirect or live view of the physical (real world) environment, with sensory graphics or sound input added to the view. It’s worth over 5 million in funding to one company. Total Immersion is a company founded in France over ten years ago, and they just received over 5 million dollars…
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