Art In Public Places brings QR codes to Knoxville, Tennessee

QR Code Art

Art in Public Places Knoxville, a public art initiative that it part of the city’s overarching art program, has adopted QR codes as a way to make the various art pieces set up in downtown areas more engaging for smart phone users. The codes will be affixed to description plates for more than 22 sculptures and will hold information concerning the piece and its creator. Art in Public places has teamed with U.S. Cellular, a wireless telecommunications company, to make the imitative possible. U.S. Cellular will be creating the codes…

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QR codes come to the Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium as part of a new interactive learning initiative

QR Codes at the Zoo!

The appeal of QR codes in the marketing world is well known these days. It seems that every business is making use of the codes to engage consumers that are growing increasingly attached to their mobile devices. In this sense, there are few avenues that the codes have not yet traveled, but their capabilities for information and content distribution can extend well beyond the realm of marketing. The Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium is using the codes, but not for advertising. The acclaimed wildlife center has taken note of the…

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Human rights championed through QR codes

QR Code Campaign

A new QR code campaign has been launched in Berlin, Germany, this week. Unlike previous campaigns featuring QR codes, this one is has nothing to do with marketing – it’s all about equality. The campaign is called Can You Solve This? and was organized by Esra’a Al Shafei of Bahrain and Ruha Reyhani of Germany. Together, the two are looking to spread awareness of the issue of inequality in Iran’s education system. As it stands, women in Iran have no access to education. Instead, they are pressured into traditional cultural…

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Android compatible QR Pal code scanner released to combine scanning and sharing

QR code App

United Kingdom-based QR Pay Ltd., has unveiled its latest Android compatible application in the form of its new QR Pal Mobile Phone app product. This new app was created to increase the usefulness of the typical QR code scanner, by permitting additional features after scanning, such as storing the barcode and sharing it among friends. It also provides an additional “Safe Browsing” element, in addition to a payment facility, so that it is the first QR code scanner app that places focus on security. According to CTO Chris Cooke, from…

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