Starbucks embraces mobile payments in the UK

Starbucks Mobile Payments

Starbucks to bring mobile payments to UK stores

Starbucks has seen some prosperity from its focus on mobile commerce in the U.S. The company embraced mobile commerce in an attempt to better cater to the growing number of consumers that have begun to rely heavily on smartphones and tablets. The company has been praised for the mobile commerce services it provides and has seen fit to expand these services into new markets, such as that of the United Kingdom.

Company teams with Barclaycard and Visa Europe

Starbucks has teamed with the UK’S Barclaycard to bring mobile commerce into their British stores. The company has involved itself with Barclaycard Global Payment Acceptance and Visa Europe in order to make this effort possible. Backed by Visa and Barclaycard, Starbucks will be able to bring contactless payment technologies into their 550 stores owned throughout the United Kingdom and may make Starbucks a leading name in the mobile commerce field.

Starbucks Mobile PaymentsConsumers becoming more mobile-centric

According to Ian Cranna, vice president of marketing for Starbucks UK, only one in three consumers pay with cash. The majority of consumers use payments cards of some type or have expressed interest in using their mobile devices. Starbucks is eager to meet the needs of these consumers by providing them with adequate mobile payments services that they can take advantage of. The company’s efforts in the United Kingdom will be heavily based on the measures it had taken in the U.S. in terms of mobile payments.

Starbucks may bring mobile payments to other parts of the world

Starbucks’ mobile commerce endeavors in the United Kingdom are expected to take form very quickly. Consumers are likely to be paying for their products using a smartphone or tablet before the end of the summer. Whether the company will bring mobile payments to other parts of the world where it holds a strong presence may depend entirely on the performance of the mobile commerce venture in the United Kingdom.

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