Social media marketing at Twitter expands further

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The network’s mobile advertising is continuing to grow through a new deal that it has made.

The media services division from Omnicom Group Inc. has recently entered into a comprehensive new social media marketing agreement with Twitter, the massive (and growing) network that is rapidly becoming a very important player in the smartphone ad environment.

This agreement is designed to expand the reach of both companies in terms of their mobile ads.

The social media marketing deal is worth an estimated $230 million between Twitter and Omnicom. This figure and the agreement, says both parties, will bring the social network’s mobile ad exchange, MoPub, together with the automated buying unit from Omnicom. The agreement is for two years and will ensure that rates and inventory access are solidified for agencies of Omnicom.

This Twitter social media marketing deal will also provide Omnicom with a first glance at new ad opportunities.

Twitter Mobile social media marketingThe agreement states that Omnicom will be able to receive a “first look” at the newest opportunities and ad units that Twitter is developing. The hope is that better targeting and pricing will be achieved as a result of the deal. This, according to the Omnicom Media Group president of U.S. Digital Investment, Jonathan Schaaf.

Schaaf added that “Twitter’s been a major advertising partner for our clients in the past…(Omnicom) wanted to form a closer business relationship with Twitter that extends beyond just media buying.”

That said, while Twitter has released a confirmation that it has, indeed solidified the Omnicom deal, so far, the social network has yet to provide any additional details regarding its own hopes for what the partnership will achieve or what details it happens to contain. The information regarding the mobile marketing aspect of the agreement has been mentioned by Omnicom, though even that company did not go into depth regarding its particulars.

This social media marketing deal is only the latest move in a number of advancements that Twitter has been making, recently, to move itself further into the advertising world, particularly when it comes to the mobile environment. The microblogging site has managed to come vaulting back after having dwindled for quite some time, using ads – to a great extent – as a driving force.

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