Smartwatch brings a handset and wearables together

smartwatch new wearable technology

This new .klatz device will allow phone calls and texts to be made, more comfortably.

While the smartwatch has been slow to be adopted by consumers, many believe that this will pick up as awareness grows through the release of the Apple Watch next year.

That said, there is one primary limitation that nearly all of the big players continue to experience.

So far, the smartwatch has essentially been seen as an awkward accessory device that works in connection with a smartphone. This means that, when used on their own, these wearables are challenging to use because their tiny screens don’t provide very much space to see or interact with content. However, this is starting to change with new entrants to the market. Earlier this month, it was reported that’s device could work on its own or connected with a smartphone. While .klatz hasn’t quite reached that point, it has redesigned the look so that it is far easier than the tiny screen limited to a watch face that its rivals are using as a display.

The .klatz smartwatch takes a step beyond fitness tracking sensors when functioning on its own.

iwatch smartwatch wearable technologyThis wearable technology also allows emailing, phone calls, texting, and other online and connected activities to occur when paired with a smartphone, but it does so with more space, comfort, and convenience, according to its creators. At the moment, it is an Indegogo project. It is meant to combine the benefits of wearables with the features of handsets, all within a single mobile device.

Unlike many of its rivals, such as the Apple Watch and Samsung Gear, this device is worn more as a bracelet than an actual watch. One defining feature of this device is that the bracelet can be unclasped and used as a handset so that making and answering calls becomes much more comfortable. Instead of speaking to your wrist, you can hold it like a traditional phone receiver, which is connected through Bluetooth.

This is the true achievement in the design of the .klatz, because it bridges the gap between the convenience of wearable technology and the comfort of using a handset device in the traditional manner.

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