Realtor brings more innovation to the use of QR codes

Real Estate Mobile Marketing

Real Estate Mobile Marketing
Realtors were among the first to adopt QR codes when they began showing up in the U.S. The codes provided agents with an easy way to market to mobile consumers, allowing agents to have an uninterrupted presence with potential buyers. Embracing mobile marketing has proven to be a boon for the real estate business, as new marketing techniques have enabled agents to reach out to more consumers. As QR codes enter the mainstream, however, simply applying the codes to pamphlets and signage is not enough, spurring realtors to come up with new ways to use the codes.

Andrea West, a realtor in North Carolina and owner of InAweMarketing, a marketing business, has designed a new, yet simple way to use QR codes to bring a more in-depth experience to the marketing process. The realtor has designed a series of codes that are unique to each room in the houses that she is currently selling. The codes link to a mobile website where potential buyers can find out more information on a given room. Mobile users can also watch a video after scanning the code which outlines the various benefits of the home.

The goal is to provide a more immersive experience to buyers as a way to ensure they will remember a specific property. While many realtors are making use of QR codes, few are using them in such an innovative fashion.

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