Qualcomm, a leading mobile technology company, has announced that it will be teaming with the Sesame Workshop, a non-profit organization geared toward entertaining and educating children, to create a new education program utilizing augmented reality technology. The pair have chosen augmented reality as a way to reach kids because it allows for dynamic and imaginative experiences. Qualcomm has plans to show off their prototype playset at the Consumer Electronics Show this week.
The collaborative project aims to make the educational process more dynamic by allowing children to play with physical toys that are augmented with digital content. This is accomplished through the use of a new tablet computer designed by Qualcomm. The tablet is equipped with a mobile augmented reality application called Vuforia. When the tablet’s camera is pointed at the playset constructed by Sesame Workshop, the environment comes to life. Sesame Workshop is taking the reins in designing the educational and entertainment aspects of the project.
Augmented reality is gaining popularity for its uses in marketing, but companies and technology developers are beginning to see how useful the technology can be outside of the marketing realm. Augmented reality can make learning much more dynamic, helping kids learn in a new way. Sesame Workshop has had success in the past with the use of technology to help engage children and hopes that the new augmented reality project will be as successful as their previous efforts.