Quick response codes could be the center of a new solution to bring digital and real environments together.
Scan, a popular app for reading QR codes which gained a great deal of attention through its appearance on the Shark Tank reality show at the start of this year, is now stepping into the payments and identity ecosystems through the development of a new “Code Wallet”.
This new feature is being added to the existing app so that users can store the codes that they have scanned.
The new version of the QR codes application from Scan will give users the ability to store the quick response barcodes that they use a lot or that they wish to save for later. It can also give those users the chance to hold onto their own personal identity code, which they can generate on their own smartphones or tablets.
The new Scan app will provide all of its users with their own unique personal QR codes.
These QRcodes will become available to the users as soon as they update their mobile apps. At the moment, there are over 75 million users of the application and they will each have their own quick response codes. This will provide users with an identity that they can share with others who can scan it and gain direct access to such things as personal web pages, social media profiles, Instagram accounts, and other types of online profile.
The founder of Garrett Gee believes that this could help to shrink the current barrier for individuals who have not understood the true potential of the QRcode, such as for providing an easily transferable identity – almost like an instant business card exchange. By bringing in the scan to pay tech that Scan debuted near the end of 2013 it will become possible for users of the app to be able to offer the barcode to others so that they will be able to accept direct payments. This is meant for person to person money transfers of funds.
Currently, Scan is the most popular app for QR codes at the App Store. It experiences an estimated 50,000 new installs every day.