QR codes used in Qingdao on ancient trees

QR codes on trees support learning

The quick response codes are a part of a project that helps to identify the various species.

Ancient trees within the Qingdao Zhongshan Park in the Shangdong Province of east China have now been labeled with QR codes to give visitors to the area a better opportunity to be able to learn more about these gorgeous giants.

The quick response codes were added so that smartphone users could easily scan them to gain information.

The QR codes are prominently displayed and are very easy for visitors to the park to use. They just need to access any free barcode reader and a scan directs smartphone owners to a website that provides additional information specific to the ancient trees but also about the park as a whole. It offers a range of classification information as well as facts about the growing environment about the specific types of trees.

The QR codes can also help visitors to be able to make better use of their time in the park.

QR codes on trees support learningA scan can also give visitors the opportunity to learn more about the history of the trees and of the park in general, and can help to identify all of the main attractions of the park. In this way, it can help people to know what they would like to see, how to get there, and how to avoid missing something that they would greatly enjoy.

The Qingdao Zhongshan Park is the largest one within the Shangdong province. Within it, there are more than 300 different varieties of trees and there are over 100 thousand individual trees on the grounds.

Recently, there have been several projects of this nature that have been announced in China. They have used the QRcode to help to provide people with more information on various areas and to give visitors more information in a highly practical and affordable way. Earlier this month, a historical society announced that they would be labeling old buildings with quick response codes so that visitors would be able to learn more about the area as well as the individual buildings.

At a time in which QR codes have become ubiquitous in advertising, they are also starting to appear at an increasing rate in the tourism and education sectors.

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