Quick response codes help to provide smartphone users with more information on the region.
Dalian, a port city located in the northeastern part of China, has a long and complex history with influences from other cultures and countries that have contributed to much of the events and architecture of the region, and now these stories are available through QR codes.
These quick response codes are available on a number of the historical buildings in the city.
Now, many of the historical buildings in Dalian feature boards with QR codes that allow residents and visitors to be able to learn more about the history of those locations. This allows people to discover more about the Japanese and Russian influences that helped to shape the region and its architecture during the first half of the 20th century. The barcodes can be easily scanned through any free reader app on most smartphone and tablet devices.
The QR codes help the buildings to tell their portion of the story that makes up the city’s history.
The first phase of the project will involve using 22 QRcode boards that will be set up in front of 10 different historical buildings throughout Dalian. That said, as the project continues its rollout of the barcodes, this number will grow to include nearly 100 buildings of historical significance. This will help to make it considerably easier for people to learn about the city and the various elements that have made it what it is today.
The project was created to be highly affordable and will make it possible for regular information updates to be made in a fast and easy way, without having to change the signage, itself. The hope is that it will also help to ease the pressure on the local tour guides as it will supply them and the tourists with a considerable resource regarding the structures that they will be seeing.
The QR codes help to express some of the many stormy struggles that have been weathered by the old buildings in the city. With the scan of the barcode, it will be as though the structures, themselves, will be able to share their tales.