QR codes help StreetSmart to accept donations for charity

qr code scans

The organization is using quick response codes to make it easier for people to donate to homelessness causes.

An organization in the United Kingdom called StreetSmart, which works to collect funds for homelessness charities has now added a new mobile technique based on QR codes to the number of different ways that it accepts donations.

The goal is to provide a new way for consumers to donate, but through a technology that is very inexpensive.

Traditionally, StreetSmart has been able to accumulate donations by asking participating restaurants to request that their diners volunteer to pay an added £1 on their bills at the end of their meals. While this will continue to be used, the organization has now added a new features that may appeal to the users of smartphones – which includes just about everybody. This method has come in the form of QR codes that are printed onto table cards at participating restaurant locations.

At the launch of this program, the QR codes are being added to over 600 different locations in the United Kingdom.

qr codes scanDiners will be able to use their smartphones to scan the QRcode on their table and will be provided with certain options that will allow them to make a donation by way of their mobile devices. The mobile payments platform that is being used in order to allow the diners to quickly, conveniently, and securely complete their donation transaction is through Zapper.

Zapper has also announced that it will make a 50p donation to StreetSmart every time the program signs up a new user for its service over the span of the next six months.

Charities have been using smartphone friendly barcodes on an increasing basis over the last few years as they are highly affordable to use and they are quite easy and familiar to many consumers.

Fast food chains have found that QR codes are especially helpful during their fundraisers, as they allow a mobile device user to access the URL without having to type the whole thing in manually. This added ease for the process has made it more appealing for many consumers to take part, when they may otherwise have thought twice.

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