Quick response codes are now a part of pieces of art that have been created to be smartphone friendly.
A company based on the Isle of Man, called CrypArt has now started on a new goal of using QR codes as a part of the artworks that it creates, making it possible for those pieces to be able to contain hidden messages that can be revealed through the use of smartphone scans.
The messages contained in the quick response codes can contain everything from text to bitcoin wallets.
This all started with an email that was sent early in 2014 to a number of bitcoin enthusiasts on the Isle of Man. The email was sent by an artist who remained anonymous, identifying himself exclusively through a pseudonym, which was “Satushi”. The concept was to be able to create collective, open source art. This was found to be quite the appealing idea of the group for the crypto currency, and it rapidly drew up plans to form and evolve CrypArtists, the group that is now using scannable QR codes in its pieces.
The QR codes align well with the open source protocol nature of the concept proposed by Satushi.
By deciding to make the protocol open source, those who use it for their creations were capable of forming artworks that encourage their owners to be able to take responsibility for the generation and protection of their own mobile wallets. Every piece of artwork has always carried a metaphorical treasure within it, but when wallets can be accessed through scanning then this becomes a much more literal concept. In this project, the art can be created and displayed in an open source an anonymous way.
Behind this project, Satsushi was soon in the company of other anonymous artists, such as Crypsi, who has been an anonymous street artists known for pictures with a libertarian angle.
According to one of the statements released by CrypArt, “[We] believe our bespoke art will satisfy customers wanting art with real value in the form of a bitcoin wallet.” That was at the start of the program. Now the opportunity has been made available to purchase art directly from the website from anonymous artists through the scanning of QR codes that are available within the display of the pieces, themselves.
When it comes to Artwork with QR Codes, one cannot ignore the possibilities presented by Visual QR Codes, which turn any image, profile picture, animation, and even video into an engaging Visual QR Code, which can be scanned by any QR code reader!