With the right finesse, these barcodes can be made to be highly appealing.
Though QR codes had a stretch of time in which they were seen as very cool, that seems to be fading, and now they’re just boring looking little black and white boxes with no real flair.
It takes some strategy, but these barcodes can return to their position of glory.
Just as old boxy fashions can be updated to suit the very latest clothing styles, so can QR codes be jazzed up to become more appealing than their appearance that is, well, square. The look of the barcodes needs a lot of work to be able to cause consumers to start taking notice again.
The first step, according to many experts, is to start looking at the colors of QR codes.
In this particular case, the new black should not be black. That is currently the only color that most of these quick response codes have. If a brand or company wants to stand out, then it needs to add some snap to its appearance.
Nothing can change the fact that QR codes have to be made up of pixel patterns so that they can be scanned by smartphones or tablets in order to find out where they go. However, nothing says that they can’t include colors, backgrounds, and even additional shapes. This is becoming especially possible as consumers start to become more familiar with the look of the standard format, as it allows alterations to be made without losing the recognition.
Although consistency in order to remain recognizable does remain important, it is equally vital that they not be so boring that the consumer just doesn’t care anymore. What needs to be established is a balance between the draw to actually scan them, and the ability to do so successfully.
They need to call out to people to have them use their smartphones to find out what the QR codes will provide, but make sure that the design is not so complex that it will become too awkward to achieve a successful scan. In this, it can be said that the future of quick response barcodes will likely be a brand new form of art.