QR codes are beginning to take over the fresh produce industry. Shippers are beginning to put the codes on their packaging as a way to ensure that consumers have access to the information they need. Only a few short years ago, no one had ever heard of QR codes outside of Japan. These days, the codes are becoming wildly popular, especially amongst businesses looking to engage mobile consumers. The value of the codes in the produce industry is growing more apparent as smart phones become more widespread amongst shoppers.
Stemlit Growers Inc., a produce grower and shipper based in Washington, has begun using QR codes on packaging and displays for retail stores. Each code is linked to a mobile website where consumers can find information regarding how the company grows its produce. The codes are also being used to give consumers a chance to find discounts.
Rainier Fruit Co., another produce company based in Washington, has also begun using QR codes on a variety of their products. The company believes that the codes are a valuable point-of-sale tool. The codes appear on the company’s high-graphic cartons and bags as well as its Junami and Lady Alice apple packages.
Retailers are still experimenting with ways to introduce QR codes to consumers. With smart phones becoming more popular on a seemingly daily basis, companies are beginning to feel the need to appeal to consumers enthralled by mobile technology.