QR codes have been successfully integrating into the world of art for some time now. The codes are becoming very popular with artists looking for an affordable way to promote their work to a massive audience. Indeed, the codes have seen a great deal of success in the worlds of marketing and promotion. Few would think, however, that consumers would begin to grow fond of the blocky, maze-like design of the codes themselves. Now, the codes are becoming much more than a simple advertising tool. They are becoming works of art.
The Barcode Gallery is a company specializing in barcode art, especially work made up of QR codes. The company sells a number of QR artworks, most of which are custom made for art lovers looking for a new piece to hang on their walls. The company offers to design the code and allows customers to embed digital content or text into the code so that, when scanned, others can see what lies hidden within the blocky patterns.
Along with their uses in marketing, QR codes have been known to be an effective branding tool. The codes can be generated online via a number of free code generators, allowing anyone with the desire to use the codes the ability to do so. The codes can be embedded with a wide variety of digital content, linking scanners to social networking sites or business profiles, and, in the case of the Barcode Gallery, can also be an effective way of showing off to other art lovers.