Preparing for 2012’s mobile marketing environment

Mobile commerce and the future

Mobile Commerce Future
Every day there are more people who are adding themselves to the list of individuals who have smartphones, and these devices aren’t just meant for voice communication.

Mobile data is now an important part of the smartphone industry and of peoples’ daily lives, from reading their newspapers to listening to music. Smartphones and tablets outsold PCs, laptops and netbooks in 2011, and this trend is expected to continue. The world is clearly becoming a mobile place.

It’s up to retailers and marketers to keep up with the demands and expectations in order to keep themselves appealing in the eyes of consumers. Businesses are already preparing for what marketing in the 2012 mobile environment will require from them, and this will include the demand of consumers for the following:

• A larger number of mobile data services. As data transmission is so much less expensive than voice communication, mobile phones are becoming devices that are used for data only, with texting, the internet, and VOIP.

• A greater amount of bandwidth. As technology companies provide consumers with better devices, they need better and faster networks in order to get the very most out of their products and in the most convenient way possible.

• More mobile commercial services. There are many different mobile opportunities for retailers and other companies and service providers. Location based services are allowing marketers to produce ads that are relevant to the needs and location of the consumer.

In order to be prepared for the future, marketers need to stay on top of these consumer desires and use the most popular and effective marketing methods, such as a mobile optimized website, QR Codes, social networks, communicating through VOIP and video, and other techniques.

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