Cost and Consequences: 5 Risks of Continuing to Operate with Legacy Software

5 Risks of Continuing to Operate with Legacy Software

If you haven’t yet upgraded to the streamlined and sophisticated efficiency of Pronto ERP or another Enterprise Resource Planning system, you’re setting your business back in more ways than one. In addition to being slow and outdated, legacy software also presents security concerns and other risks that are worth understanding.  To ensure you don’t harm your business by holding onto the old way of doing things, consider the following costs and consequences of operating with legacy software: 1. It can end up costing you more money than upgrading Many business…

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What is WBT Token and Can It Make Me Rich?

how and what is WBT Token

There are many different digital assets and projects in the market, so a beginner investor may face difficulties picking one to invest in. Let’s see what factors you should consider for efficient investments: First of all, pay attention to the top traded crypto assets that have the biggest liquidity and trade volume; these are BTC, SOL, ETH, etc. Also pay attention to tokens of large and credible crypto exchanges, for example, Binance, WhiteBIT, etc. They also issue digital assets. Look for tokens used in popular blockchain games and metaverses. With…

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SIP Servers: The Four Basic Types And Their Various Functions

technology for SIP servers and the 4 types

Aren’t you glad that we have VoIP? Thanks to providers like Telnum that worked to ensure many more business owners like you maximize the benefits associated with VoIP. But how does it happen? SIP makes possible the activation of VoIP calls between devices. Learn a little more about the technical details associated with this technology by getting introduced to the various types of servers available. A Quick Intro on SIP Session Initiation Protocol or SIP is the golden standard in internet communication. If there’s any level of interaction involved in…

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Tech Challenges That Charities Face and How They Can Be Overcome By Google Ad Grants

charities and how Google Ad Grants can help

A few years ago, it would have been unheard of for a charity to use digital platforms to procure donations for their cause and cement their continued success. However, now, most charities have to use technology in some way if they want to run effectively. Due to this, charities are now facing a lot of tech challenges that they may find difficult to overcome. Then, here is how Google Ad Grants can help your charity face some of the biggest hurdles in its history.   Digital Marketing Issues Although many charities…

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What is the Internet of Things (IoT) and examples of the application of this technology

Internet of things

The Internet of Things is a unique concept of a network that provides data transfer between different physical objects or with the external environment. Thanks to the organization of the network, it is possible to update all social and economic processes. The peculiarity lies in the fact that a person does not need to take part in all activities. This concept appeared in 1999. The Internet of Things (IoT) opens up prospects for the widespread use of radio frequency identification methods that allow physical objects or the environment to interact.…

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