Near field communications could make fast food restaurants a speedier experience for consumers.
The entire experience of the quick service restaurant (QSR) is based on being able to obtain a meal very rapidly, and although things have slowed down a bit over the years, NFC technology could provide the necessary tools to make this process speedier.
Near field communication could allow mobile payments to be complete with a simple tap of the device.
This is vitally important in QSRs, where every second counts, regardless of whether the customer has ordered a coffee or a burger and fries. Moreover, in locations where loyalty points are collected, the experience can be shortened, even further, as NFC technology has the potential to cut the time down in that area, as well. A single tap or wave of the smartphone over the reader makes it possible to both pay for the meal and collect – or redeem – loyalty points.
In fact, some QSRs are dabbling with the idea of using NFC technology for making the order, too.
The fast food industry is seeing many opportunities through NFC technology, which could include customizing an order over the smartphone, submitting it, making a mobile payment, and collecting loyalty points, all in one brief tap of the device.
Mobile payments based on NFC technology are already being used or piloted by some of the largest fast food chains in the world. These include everyone from Dunkin’ Donuts to McDonald’s. Starbucks has managed to be a leader in mobile payments without using that tech, but it is certain to be something it is considering.
A new Juniper Research report has predicted that by 2017, NFC technology based mobile payments will break the $180 billion mark worldwide, with 90 percent of the market value coming from North America, Western Europe, and the Asia Pacific region.
Many research firms find that predictions are challenging to make simply because there are a limited number of NFC technology enabled devices currently on the market. The number is rapidly growing, but the use of the chips in upcoming iPhones would be a defining breakthrough for the tech.