New free app to help consumers with credit ease

Equifax Mobile App

The explosion of growth in mobile technology has opened the door to convenience on the go. Mobile users can download apps that are efficiency tools. They can comparison shop on the move and now, they can also get access to their credit report. Equifax credit monitoring has just released a mobile app for Android system users.

Equifax is a global leader in information solutions that is used by large and small businesses and individuals as well. Equifax has facilities in the U.S., with headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, and has offices in 14 other countries as well.

Everyone knows the importance of mobile marketing and making your business accessible to consumers on the go. As several retailers started expanding into mobile applications and advertising, other businesses were watching them. Quietly waiting to see just what would happen.

Now almost every business knows that to stay competitive they must get into the mobile markets. Company after company is slowly stepping up and making their way into this realm. Credit services are no different. They know if they want to reach people, they have to be visible where people are.

Where people are now; is mobile.  Equifax created the new app for Android based operating systems and offer several of the same type of services they offer to online users. They offer pay based subscription services as well as several free services.

The Equifax Places product is free and doesn’t require a membership. This service has free statistics of average credit ratings and fraud frequency for any U.S. zip code or by GPS location. Users who subscribe to the Equifax Monitoring Services can access their credit report; have real time updates and notifications of credit changes.

This is another example of a business giving customer’s what they need; the power to manage their lives anytime, no matter where they are.

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