The expert outdoor gear specialty retailer has been recognized for creative customer engagements.
The retailer, Moosejaw, has been receiving a great deal of attention over the last few months due to its distinctive mobile marketing campaigns which have been deployed among all of its brick-and-mortar shop locations, and has now been named a 2012 Top Innovator by Apparel Magazine, according to cross-channel retail technology and commerce solutions provider, CrossView, Inc.
Moosejaw uses CrossView technology at its points of sale, as an element of its smartphone strategies.
Each of the store’s locations has two Apple iPod Touch devices that are set up with a Linea Pro cradle that features a barcode scanner and a magnetic stripe reader. They are also integrated into the cross-channel commerce platform by CrossView, allowing the sales associates at Moosejaw to keep everything they need from inventory management and price checking to the actual check-out process, right in their hands so that they can more efficiently serve customers on the spot, not solely in at the check-out counter.
This technology minimizes the chance of long lines and results in an increase in sales.
Moosejaw is among the first to fully adopt point of sale mobile technology. The retailer has stated that its goal “is to be the most fun outdoor retailer on the plant.” It is known for taking a lighter and more “quirky” approach to retail, which consumers have found highly appealing.
It uses the very latest in technology, ranging from m-commerce to social networking, as well as unique mobile marketing to keep customers interested. Its fun and interesting campaigns have included dating tips, a blog from the cleaning lady, and other silly and peculiar methods that are designed to appeal to the hip young demographic that makes up the target market.
Other mobile marketing techniques used by Moosejaw recently have included smartphone payments, allowing owners of those devices to use them instead of credit and debit cards or cash, as well as augmented reality campaigns for discount climbing gear. One such AR campaign included an “X-ray” app that allowed device users to see “through” the clothing.