Mobile security is inadequate among American devices

man and woman mobile security

This, despite the fact that the average person in the United States does fear having gadgets hacked.

The vast majority of people in the United States – that is, 69 percent – fee that a mobile security breach that caused their personal information to be stolen is something that is inevitable in their lifetimes, says a report issued by Citrix.

That said, even though they feel that their odds of being hacked are high, their smartphones are primarily unprotected.

Even though there have been some very high profile cyber attacks over the last short while, the majority of Americans still have not taken additional steps toward improving their mobile security on both their personal and their corporate-issued gadgets. This, according to a survey commissioned by Citrix, and which involved the participation of over 1,000 people. Nearly 70 percent of the participants feel that it is inevitable that their personal information will be stolen in their lifetimes, while another 84 percent said that they feel that their personal data has reached a higher level of vulnerability, today, than it had at the same time in 2014.

The most surprising insight from this survey was likely that 88 percent of Americans don’t use mobile security software.

man and woman mobile securityAccording to the Citrix chief security strategist, Kurt Roemer, “The most surprising and concerning statistic from the survey has to be that 88 percent of employed Americans do not use work devices with trusted company security software.” He went on to explain that without using this type of software to protect a device, the data that it contains is essentially “naked and exposed”. He pointed out that this includes personal information, customer data, and enterprise details, alike.

Roemer pointed out that “We can also surmise that these work devices are not company-managed, as those devices would have been preconfigured with antimalware suites, personal firewalls, encryption and other enterprise-level security measures.”

He expressed that BYOD (bring your own device) programs and mobile security have arrived at the point that they are nearly fully dependent on the screen unlock password in order to provide virtually the only protection installed on most devices.

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