Advertising over smartphones is predicted to rise exponentially by the end of 2013.
According to the latest predictions based on mobile marketing spending figures published by eMarketer, the ad market in the United Kingdom is expected to rise by about ninety percent this year alone.
It is believed that this is the result of the massive increase in use of smartphones and tablets.
When compared to last year’s mobile marketing spend, which was recorded to be £526 million in the United Kingdom, this year, it is predicted that the spend will have risen to £1 billion. Two years ago, Facebook didn’t have any smartphone based ad business, but now it represents about one third of the revenues of this social networking giant.
Contributing to the mobile marketing growth include Google, Facebook, and Twitter, among other leaders.
Fueling this growth is the purchase and use of smartphones and tablets by the British public. The United Kingdom has one of the highest usages of these devices in the world. Moving forward, the eMarketer report also suggested that the mobile marketing spending in the country will have risen to £3 billion by 2016 (out of a total digital ad spending of nearly £8 billion), which shows that the trend is headed in a rapid upward direction and won’t be slowing down at any time soon.
To further illustrate how fast the growth in mobile marketing spending is occurring, the Internet Advertising Bureau recorded the spending in 2011 to have been £203 million.
This year, Facebook UK expects to make £279 million in total online ad revenue in 2013, which will be a year over year increase of 25 percent. Though the specific proportion has not been announced, it is believed that up to half of the total digital income could be generated from mobile marketing.
According to the eMarketer vice president of communications, Clark Fredricksen, who spoke on the subject of the mobile marketing study, “Major ad platforms have vastly improved mobile ad products to advertisers over the last two years, which has helped drive a redistribution of dollars spent on their platforms from desktop to mobile.”