The latest research has indicated that the technique is offering true value and opportunities.
The latest research from a partnership between Millward Brown and SessionM have shown that mobile marketing is offering businesses and brands considerable opportunities through engaging and effective content that provide real value.
The study showed that this channel is proving to be very appealing to consumers, as well.
Consumers exposed to mobile marketing are more receptive when brands offer them value in exchange for their time. While brands, on the whole, have been low in terms of taking on the opportunity to advertise through this channel and to offer more solid value through their advertising content, they continue to look quite favorably toward the technique as a whole.
The report indicated that mobile marketing is something that consumers actually want from brands.
According to the Joline McGoldrick, the research director from Dynamic Logic, which is the digital practice for Millward Brown, “Through the AdReaction Report we know that consumers want brands to provide valuable and rewarding ad experiences, and this study helped us break down exactly what that means.”
McGoldrick added that “The findings present marketers with a tremendous opportunity to deliver mobile ad experiences in line with consumers’ expectations, enabling them to effectively break through to mobile consumers.” He stated that the report indicates that reward based mobile marketing is among the solutions to the “value exchange equation”.
The mobile marketing report also found that:
• Audiences that are rewarded are more than two times more likely to interact with the brands offering them. After viewing an advertisement in-app, 34 percent of the rewarded users interacted with the ad. On the other hand, 15 percent who had not participated in reward based ads interacted with them.
• After seeing an in-app add, 26 percent of rewarded users thought about buying from the brand. Among those who were not exposed to reward based ads, only 18 percent considered this same thing.
• Not all reward based mobile marketing produces the same results. The reward that is received was important to 92 percent and 68 percent need to know for certain what the reward will be, as opposed to being surprised.