Mobile marketing experts reveal eight techniques for building an m-platform

MCommerce Marketing Information

MCommerce Marketing Information

Mobile marketing pros have revealed the top eight techniques for businesses to create a mobile marketing platform to reach the over 50 percent of all American adults who use their smartphones to find information about local businesses such as restaurants. 

Location-based media company,’s Sarah Hodkinson stated that mobile marketing offers businesses a way to provide a personalized way of reaching their customers for “direct, real-time, location-targeted” promotions, so that those companies can bring in new customers – and therefore revenues – at exactly the time that they are needed. This is especially popular among restaurants that wish to increase foot traffic. 

Though many restaurants are already leveraging mobile marketing platforms, there remain a large percentage who have not yet taken advantage of this opportunity for greater revenues. 

Chief creative officer Lori Walderich, of IdeaStudio, said that restaurants that are not utilizing this technology are providing their competitors with a way to begin form stronger relationships with their customers who will then become loyal to them.

In order to help businesses in getting started with mobile marketing, eight techniques have been suggested.

 Creating a website that has been mobile optimized

  1. Providing mobile users with contact and location features such as a map to your location and a click-to-call phone number.
  2. Using social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook, to increase mobile following.
  3. Encouraging mobile users to opt in so that they can receive information about promotions and additional rewards.
  4. Adding images to the mobile site so that they can see what you have to offer.
  5. Offering incentives, such as coupons and other mobile offers.
  6. Targeting the right people at the proper time.  For example, restaurants might focus on lunch hours and as people leave work and are hungry.
  7. Offering instant gratification, such as being able to use an offer right away.How To Mobile Marketing




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