According to the results of a recently released report, marketers haven’t figured out how to achieve “good ROI” yet.
A new research report has just been released and is indicating that as much as companies seem to be on board with using mobile marketing, those who are applying it have yet to find “good ROI” through its use.
The report provided a more in depth look at the way that smartphone optimized ads are being perceived.
The traditional and mobile marketing firm, [x+1], produced the report, which examined the way that smartphone ads are being perceived by both consumers and marketers. This report has been deemed highly insightful, and could be very helpful in measuring the success of advertising and promoting over the channel, as a whole, as opposed to looking at it from a campaign by campaign basis.
The findings put forward in the report said that only 3 percent of mobile marketing companies see “good ROI” in that channel.
This statement is quite striking, considering the popularity of mobile marketing and the massive and rapidly growing investments that are being made into that channel. Companies have been diverting increasing percentages of their marketing budgets to mobile, but these findings suggest that not many of them are experiencing a strong return on investment, so far.
Clearly, the details from this report have left more questions in place than answers. However, a complete version of what is currently a preliminary document will be published later on – likely before the end of this month – with greater insight into what is going on with this channel.
John Haake, the vice president of marketing at [x+1], explained that the current indicators are suggesting that mobile marketing is still highly promising and that it is becoming an increasing element in the overall marketing mix. He stated that this type of transition to an entirely new channel is one that can take some time, particularly when it comes to measuring the results. He said “It takes a long time for the dollars to actually flow to where the eyeball is,” and then added that “The interjection of programmatic techs and better targeting data has created something of value in [mobile] that may have not existed for consumers in the past.”