MEDSEEK, a company devoted to electronic health care, has launched a new service tailored to help hospital markers boost patient engagement. The company, well known for its forays into the digital realm on behalf of the medical community, is now offering to use QR codes to help clients reach out to consumers more effectively. The codes are a popular tool amongst advertisers and have been growing in popularity with consumers. Their ease of use ensures that the codes have a broad appeal, but how useful they will be to the health care industry has yet to be fully tested.
The company is not simply plastering QR codes on a series of newsletters or direct mail pieces. Instead, MEDSEEK is leveraging its complex patient-physician acquisition technology in order to pair high-risk consumers with medical professionals. A variety of codes are being designed to appeal to people with specific health concerns, such as diabetes or cancer. When scanned, the codes will direct consumers to a website where information relevant to their concerns is available. The website will also list a number of medical professionals in their area that may be able to help with any issues.
Pairing patients with doctors is new territory for QR codes and how successful this initiative will be is yet to be seen. Many consumers are still unaware of what the codes actually are, let alone how useful they can be in a medical context. MEDSEEK is sure, however, that the codes will prove valuable to consumers that may be at risk of developing serious illnesses.