The majority of this type of shopping is occurring at home, says a study by ForeSee.
The results of a study conducted by ForeSee have been released and have revealed a considerable amount of insight regarding consumer satisfaction while using m-commerce apps and websites for travel.
It discovered that many users of these smartphone and tablet based services are not using them where expected.
While many would expect that m-commerce would be used for travel shopping while the consumer is on the go, that is only true 12 percent of the time. In fact, it is at home where consumers are using these opportunities the most. Over 70 percent of consumers who used mobile apps and travel sites to book a trip, did so from home.
This clearly shows that m-commerce is not just a feature that is used while people are out.
Another 13 percent of consumers booked their travels through m-commerce sites and apps while they were at work, while 2 percent did so from school, 1 percent did so while in a store, and the remaining 2 percent shopped from another location over mobile.
Among all of the travel m-commerce site and app users who took part in the study, 43 percent used these resources for performing research. Another 23 percent used the sites and apps to make bookings and reservations. This, according to the Mobile Satisfaction Index: Travel Edition, which was conducted and has now been released by ForeSee.
The ForeSee travel m-commerce study surveyed 6,000 travel mobile app and site users. They also found that 21 percent used their devices in order to seek out promotions, while 10 percent looked into reward status, and 3 percent were using these options for other tasks.
Overall, m-commerce travel shoppers appear to be relatively happy with the sites and apps that they have been using. The satisfaction score that was received for the overall experience offered by travel sites and apps was 77 on the study’s scale out of 100. Anything above 70 is deemed by ForeSee to be satisfactory. Anything above 80 is considered to be superior, while ratings below 70 are found to be lacking. Therefore, the score that was reached – which was in the high 70s – was considered to be alright, with room for improvement.