Two millennia have passed since the glory days of the expansive Roman Empire, yet the civilization has lost none of its intrigue. For centuries, archeologists have been discovering ancient artifacts from the height of the Empire in places that were least expected. In recent years, the discovery that the Romans has spread as far as Britain shook previous theories about the reach of the Empire to their core. Indeed, London was once a territory of the Empire, and now the Museum of London is looking to breathe new life into the bygone era of the Roman-controlled city.
The Museum of London will be joining with AETN UK’s History channel to develop a new augmented reality application for smart phones and other mobile devices. The application will be called Streetmuseum Londinium and will allow users to explore an ancient Roman city dated at around 120 AD. During this time, more than 25,000 Romans occupied what is known today as London.
This is not the museum’s first foray into the world of augmented reality. Their original Streetmuseum app won several awards for its use of the technology. This new venture, however, is far more ambitious and the aim is for a truly immersive and unforgettable experience.
In anticipation of the app’s launch on July 25th, the History channel will be airing a full day of Roman themed programming. The app will be free to download for iPhones and iPads with Android and BlackBerry versions coming later in the year.